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The Chimneys and Steam Boilers Setting Construction


About the company

The company DAN-BUD – “The Chimneys and Steam Boilers Setting Construction” has been run by me since 2006. I graduated from Szczecin University of Technology, faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Theoretical knowledge acquired at the university as well as experience and qualifications achieved in five years of work at my father’s company with an identical profile of services, enabled me to take over the company and professional management of the plant for more than six years. Works in the field of construction and renovation of heating and energy boilers settings, various types of furnaces boilers settings and construction of factory chimneys are performed based on professionalism and high qualifications of employees with many years of experience as well as using a good quality specialist equipment. Abovementioned guarantees qualitative and timely performance of ordered works.


About the company

The company DAN-BUD – “The Chimneys and Steam Boilers Setting Construction” has been run by me since 2006. I graduated from Szczecin University of Technology, faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Theoretical knowledge acquired at the university as well as experience and qualifications achieved in five years of work at my father’s company with an identical profile of services, enabled me to take over the company and professional management of the plant for more than six years. Works in the field of construction and renovation of heating and energy boilers settings, various types of furnaces boilers settings and construction of factory chimneys are performed based on professionalism and high qualifications of employees with many years of experience as well as using a good quality specialist equipment. Abovementioned guarantees qualitative and timely performance of ordered works.



Wymurówki, remonty i budowy obmurzy kotłów parowych i wodnych, sklepień zapłonowych, lejów pyłowych, żużlowych oraz wszelkiego rodzaju palników.

Specjalistyczne prace ogólnobudowlane , zbiorniki, stropy, słupy, fundamenty pod urządzenia przemysłowe, ściany oporowe – montaż / demontaż


Doradztwo techniczne, nadzór przy rozruchu, suszeniu obmurzy.